What's New On Cottsweb?
"Oh, Sweet Jesus
I wanna put a gun
in my mouth...."
DECEMBER 30, 2008:

        PART SEVEN:  "30."

and also.....

the actual

and also.....
30.VIN.21:  "The Other Side of X."
30.VIN.22:  "The Beacon."
30.VIN.23:  "... Or Die Trying!"
30.VIN.24:   "Standing On My Own Two Hands."
30.VIN.25:  "Treadstone Mass."
30.VIN.26:  "That Vicious Cycle."
30.VIN.27:  "Immortality Mailbag."
30.VIN.28:  "Brian's Heaven and Hell."
30.VIN.29:  "The Cut That Thrills."
30.VIN.30:  "Ghost Voices Trapped in the old Walls of Home."
30.VIN.31:  "Numb."
30.VIN.32:  "Nothing."
30.VIN.33:  "Rifle Free."
30.VIN.34:  "Dining At The Table With Lazarus Long."
30.VIN.35:  "All Hands in the Fire."
30.VIN.36:  "The Great Reversal."
30.VIN.37:  "Isolationist Chic."
30.VIN.38:  "Galt's Punchline."
30.VIN.39:  "Including this Title, Precisely ELEVEN Instances of the Word 'Fuck.' (12 If You Count the Header, 13 If You Count the Table of Contents)."
30.VIN.40:  "In the Shadow of My Pale Companion."

August 19, 2007:

July 7, 2007:

January 18, 2007:

December 20, 2006:
INTERLUDE EIGHTEEN:  "Give Me Anything, Anything.  Please.  Let Me Share Your Love."

August 6, 2006:
After way, way, way, way, waaaaaaay too long, the MAMMOTH, EXTRA-SUPERSIZED:
INTERLUDE SEVENTEEN:  "The Little Aardvark Who Could...." has finally been posted.

April 15, 2005:
v.  INTERLUDE SIXTEEN:  "The Mathematics Of Longing."

February 26, 2005:
u.  PART SIX:  "Weapon Of Choice."

February 10, 2005:
s.  INTERLUDE 14:  "Deluge."
t.  INTERLUDE 15:  "And It's Never Coming Back."

January 30, 2005:
p.  INTERLUDE 11:  "Ventolin."
q.  INTERLUDE 12:  "Kitty Cat."
r.  INTERLUDE 13:  "Sedna."

Jaunary  14, 2005:
*30* continues to wrap up:
k.  INTERLUDE 7: "Night."
l.  INTERLUDE 8:  "Flushing Clean."
m.  INTERLUDE 9:  "Welcome To The United States Of AAAARRRRRRGH!!!"
n.  INTERLUDE 10: "From The Mashi-Maro Notebook."
o.  PART 5:  "The Nausea Years."

December 19, 2004:
*30* continues to wrap up:

December 6, 2004:
*30* returns after a long, long absence.

November 10, 2004:
Sundry nonesense.  Nothing too big.  Cosmetic tidying.  Etc.

May 10, 2004:
30.EP.72:  December 15, 2004:  "FEAR."

April 11, 2004:
30.EP.70:  December 1, 2003:  "Pynchonia."
30.EP.71:  December 8, 2003:  "The Case Of The Missing M+Ms."

February 29, 2004:
Books I'm reading page updated.

February 28, 2004:
30.EP.68:  November 15, 2003:  "Retreating To A Useful Position (5)."
30.EP.69:  November 23, 2003:  "Residue."

January 8, 2004:
30.EP.67:  November 8, 2003:  "Bob And Heather: 4'33''."

January 1, 2004:
30.EP.63:  October 8, 2003:  "Retreating To A Useful Position (4)."
30.EP.64:  October 15, 2003:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 15: The Clarity of    ."
30.EP.65:  October 23, 2003:  "Bob And Heather in:  Run, Bob, Run."
30.EP.66:  November 1, 2003:  "Bob's Soliloquy (II)."

December 11, 2003
30.EP.60:  September 15, 2003:  "Bob And Heather and The End Of The End Of The Century (the beginning)".
30.EP.61:  September 23, 2003:  "Heather's Soliloquy (II).
30.EP.62:  October 1, 2003:  "Bob And Heather and The End Of The End Of Century (the end)."

November 2, 2003:
30.EP.58:  "Retreating To A Useful position (3)."
30.EP.59:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 15: Rust Never Sleeps."

October 21, 2003:
30.EP.55:  August 8, 2003:  "Bob And The Meaninglessness Of Morning."
30.EP.56:  August 15, 2003:  "Bob And The Blackout."
30.EP.57:  August 23, 2003:  "Bob And The Will To Pornography."

September 9, 2003:
30.EP.50:  July 1, 2003:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 13: Infinite Return."
30.EP.51:  July 8, 2003:  "Retreating To A Useful position (1)."
30.EP.52:  July 15, 2003:  "Duckies."
30.EP.53:  July 23, 2003:  "Retreating To A Useful position (2)."
30.EP.54:  August 1, 2003:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 14: Kevin."

July 26, 2003:
30.EP.49:  "Harry Potter and the Gargantuan Lineup of June 21, 2003."

July 25, 2003.
30.EP.47:  June 8, 2003:  "Mall Voices."
30.EP.48:  June 15, 2003:  "Calgary, again."

July 4, 2003:
INTERLUDE: May 8, 2003.
30.EP.44:  May 15, 2003:  "The Daily Grind."
30.EP.45:  May 23, 2003:  "DeLilloscape."
30.EP.46:  June 1, 2003:  "MCtv."

May 22, 2003:
EP.43d:  April 8, 2003:  "Gasping For Air."
EP.43e:  April 15, 2003:  "Support."
EP.43f:  April 23, 2003:  "Bowling For Iraq."
EP.43g:  May 1, 2003:  "Bored Now...."

May 15, 2003:
EP.43c:  "Radical Hermetics."
EP.43d:  "Gasping For Air."
EP.43e:  "Support."

Apr 17, 2003:
EP.43a:  "The Heart's Filthy Legion  Shock!  And!!  Awe!!!"
EP.43b:  "The Heart's Filthy Legion:  'Line, please?'"

Oh yeah and somehow ALL the links in *30* got mysteriously fucked up.  So I fixed them all.
Why anybody would fucking hack *30* is beyond me.  It's not like anybody ever reads the fucking thing....

Apr. 4, 2003:
EP.42:  "Knee Play."

Mar 29, 2003:
EP.41:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 12:  The Wolf and the Penguin (continued)."

Mar 25, 2003:
EP.37a:  February 1, 2003:  "Houston, We Have A Problem (1)."
EP.37b:  February 8, 2003:  "Houston, We Have A Problem (2)."
EP.38:  February 15, 2003:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 11: The Wolf And The Penguin."
EP.39: February 23, 2003:  "Some Thoughts On The Art Of Teaching Students Who Don't really Want To Be There."
EP.40:  March 1, 2003:  "Scuttling."

Feb 23, 2003
EP.35:  January 23, 2003:  "We're NOT Guppies, People!!!!, or: Some Flies Are Better Left Zipped (The Lost *30*)"
EP.36:  January 30, 2003:  "Ruins."

Feb 16, 2003:
EP.32:  January 1, 2003:  "Wind/Stopping/Depreciation."
EP.33:  January 8, 2003:  "Stopping/Depreciation/Null."
EP.34:  January 15, 2003:  "Bob's Soliloquy."

Jan 25, 2003:
INTERLUDE:  November 23, 2002.
EP.28:  December 1, 2002:  "People Who Need People, part 7."
EP.29:  December 8, 2002:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 10."
EP.30:  December 15, 2002:  "People Who Need People, part 8."
EP.31:  December 23, 2002:  "People Who Need People, part 9."

Jan 2, 2003:
EP.27z:  "The War Party: epilogue:  Heathen."

Dec 27, 2002:
EP.27w:  October 23, 2002.  "The War Party, part 22: Wipeout, or a brief survey of the history and meaning of Hüsker Dü."
EP.27x:  November 1, 2002.  "The War Party, part 23: October Fragments."
EP.27y:  November 8, 2002.  "The War Party, part 24: Dust."

Dec 20, 2002:
EP.27v:  October 15, 2002. "The War Party, part 21:  Real Men Don't Wear Hats-- SIDE B: Pop Goes The World."

Nov 15, 2002:
EP.27r:  October 1, 2002.  "The War Party, part 17:  The Language Of Love."
EP.27s:  October 3, 2002.  "The War Party, part 18:  October Idyll."
EP.27t:  October 5, 2002.  "The War Party, part 19:  Aporia (part 2)."
EP.27u:  October 8, 2002.  "The War Party, part 20:  Night Vision."

Nov 10, 2002:
EP.27.o:  September 15, 2002.  "The War Party, part 14:  Passive Mode."
EP.27p:  September 18, 2002.  "The War Party, part 15:  Ralphie Knows Best."
EP.27q:  September 23, 2002.  "The War Party, part 16:  The Anticlimax After The Storm."

Oct 21, 2002
EP.27i:  August 23, 2002.  "The War Party, part 8: "Real Men Don't Wear Hats."
EP.27j:  September 1, 2002.  "The War Party, part 9:  Safety, Dancing."
EP.27k:  September 8, 2002.  "The War Party, part 10:  BANG!"
EP.27l:  September 9, 2002.  "The War Party, part 11:  Riding In Cars With Alex (2)."
EP.27m:  September 10, 2002.  "The War Party, part 12:  August / September."
EP.27n:  September 11, 2002.  "The War Party, part 13:  How I spent my September 11th, a real good essay by Brian Cotts."

Sept 20, 2002:
EP.27e:  August 3, 2002.  "The War Party, part 4:  Wishful Thinking."
EP.27f:  August 8, 2002.  "The War Party, part 5:  The Scouting Expedition:  THE NUMB BEFORE THE STORM."
EP.27g:  August 10, 2002.  "The War Party, part 6:  Riding In Cars With Alex (1)."
EP.27h:  August 15, 2002.  "The War Party, part 7:  The Scouting Expedition: THE OTHER SIDE."

August 30, 2002:
EP.27b:  July 15, 2002:  "The War Party, part 1: Shattered Times."
EP.27c:  July 23, 2002:  "The War Party, part 2:  Naked Hippies And The Meaning Of Democracy."
EP.27d:  August 1, 2002:  "The War Party, part 3:  July / August."

August 14, 2002:
INTERLUDE: July 1, 2002.
EP.27a:  July 8, 2002:  "The War Party, prologue: Art Decade."

June 23, 2002:
EP.23:  June 1, 2002:  "Mindful Of The Calm."
EP.24:  June 8, 2002:  "People Who Need People, part 6."
EP.25:  June 15, 2002:  "Epilogue Journal 6: Midnight Rain."
EP.26:  June 23, 2002:  "On The Edge Of The Periphery Of The Belly Of The Beast."

May 31, 2002:
EP.15:  Apr 5, 2002:  "Some Scattered Comments About Eija-Riitta Eklöf-Berliner-Mauer And Her Relationship With The Berlin Wall."
EP.16:  Apr 8, 2002:  "'Speaking' His 'Mind.'"
EP.17:  Apr 15:  "People Who Need People, part 5."
EP.18:  Apr 23, 2002:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 8:  The 'Real' World."
EP.19:  May 1, 2002:  "Vanishing Point / Journal 4: Interpolations."
EP.20:  May 8, 2002:  "Whatever's New Is Old Again."
EP.21:  May 15, 2002:  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 9:  The 'School' Of 'Life'."
EP.22:  May 23, 2002:  "Heather's Soliloquy."

May 6, 2002:
EP.08:  Mar 8, 2002:  "Epilogue Journal 3: No-Man's Land."
EP.09:  Mar 15, 2002:  "People Who Need People, part 3."
EP.10:  Mar 23, 2002:  "Epilogue Journal 4: The Tip Of The Iceberg."
EP.11:  Mar 25, 2002:  "(FOOTNOTE)."
EP.12:  Apr 1, 2002:  "The Mouse And The Eagle:  Dinner With The Aardvark."
EP.13:  Apr 2, 2002:  "People Who Need People, part 4."
EP.14:  Apr 4, 2002:  "Endless Summer."

Apr 1, 2002
EP.04:  February 8, 2002:  "People Who Need People, part 1."
EP.05:  Ferbruary 15, 2002:  "Journal 2: MORT."
EP.06:  February 23, 2002:  "Like Pictures."
EP.07:  March 1, 2002:  "People Who Need People, part 2."

Feb 21, 2002:
*30* EPILOGUE begins:
EP.01:  January 1, 2002:  "'Going' To The 'Show.'"
EP.02:  January 15, 2002:  "Crisis Points."
EP.03:  February 1, 2002:  "Journal 1: Surfing The Vacuum."

Jan 25, 2002:
30.54:  "December 31, 2002:"  "*30* (Insignificance)."

Jan 14, 2002:
30.53:  December 30, 2001:  "'Winning' The 'War.'"

Jan 7, 2002:
30.47d:  December 5, 2001:  "People Who Matter, part four: J.G. Ballard."
30.47e:  December 10, 2001:  "People Who Matter part five: William Gaddis."
30.50:  December 15, 2001:  "The Kindness Of Women."
30.51:  December 20, 2001:  "The Gap."
30.52:  December 25, 2001:  "'Tis The Season."

Dec 22, 2001:
30.47b:  "People Who matter, part two: Dave Sim."
30.48:  "The State Of The Nation."
30.47c:  "People Who Matter, part three:  Laurie Anderson."
30.49:  "End Game."

Nov 19, 2001:
30.47a:  "People Who matter, part one: Nick Currie (Momus)."
30.VIN.20:  "More Brains!"

Nov 8, 2001:
30.46c:  "Whatever's Old's New Again, part 3:  The Turnpike."
30.46d:  "Whatever's Old's New Again, part 4:  Bert."
30.46e:  "Whatever's Old's New Again, part 5:  Redundancy Theory."

Oct 17, 2001:
30.46b:  "Whatever's Old's New Again, part 2:  The End Of The End."

Oct 9, 2001:
30.46a:  "Whatever's Old's New Again, part 1: Falling Up."
30.VIN.19:  "Stephen Dixon (a *30* on 30.)"

Oct 3, 2001:
30.45:  "Stoppage."
30.VIN.18:  "The Question Answered, or Prologue to 30.46."

Sept 19, 2001:
30.44k:  VANCOUVER, epilogue:  "Ease."
30.VIN.16:  "One Note At A Time."
30.VIN.17:  "911."

Sept 6, 2001:
30.44j:  VANCOUVER, part 9:  "Making An Impression."

August 11, 2001:
30.44i:  VANCOUVER, part 8: "The Unutterable."

July 5, 2001:
30.44e:  VANCOUVER, part 4:  "One Of Three."
30.44f:  VANCOUVER, part 5:  "Over There."
30.44g:  VANCOUVER, part 6:  "What You Need."
30.44h:  VANCOUVER, part 7:  "Maybe Call It Something That's Self Reflexive And Witty While Referring To Both The Movie 'Things' AND To The Emily Carr Student Installation."

June 17, 2001:
30.44d:  VANCOUVER, part 3:  "The Voices Of Insects."
30.VIN.15:  "Terminus."
Some book reviews.

June 5, 2001:
30.44c:  VANCOUVER, part 2: "In The Nest."

May 23, 2001:
The New One Starts:
30.44a:  Prologue, "Penumbral Rover."
30.44b:  Part 1, "Searching For A Comfortable Zero."

April 29, 2001:
5 NEW *30*s!!!
30.41:  "Nil Spiral 30 Loops (Wounded Polymetheus Version)."
30.42:  "Superheroes."
30.43.  "The Mouse And The Eagle, part 4."
30.VIN.14:  "The Fabulous Sequel."

April 13, 2001:
3 new *30*s"
30.39:  "The I Ain't Got Nobody Post-Nietzsche, Post-Baudrillard Blues, or: Losing Your Gravity."
30.40:  "In The Court Of The Cro-Magnon King."
30.VIN13:  "Vampyre Players."

March 29, 2001:
After a long, weird, accidental Tripod-induced delay, a new *30*:
"...And Along Comes Brian in The Baby Carriage (V. Day Part 3)."

March 15, 2001:
New *30*
"Always Thought It Sounded Like What You'd Call A Sleepy Cartoon Hamster."

March 7, 2001:
New *30*
"The Crackdown."

March 5, 2001:
New *30*:

Feb 21, 2001
3 More *30s*:
"Holding Smoke In My Hands,"
"The Spectacular Commodity,"
"*30* (In The Belly Of The Beast.)"
Also, an:

Jan 29, 2001:
Four more *30*s:
"Where It's At," part one, part two, and part three.

Jan 18, 2001.
Two More *30*s:
"The Mouse And The Eagle, part 2"
"30/30 Vision."

Jan 10, 2001.
The last two chapters of "Jeni Goes To Japan."

November 30, 2000.
Four more installments of "Jeni Goes To Japan."
A little minor cosmetic tweaking.

October 20, 2000:
*30* back online after a huge hiatus.
Lots and lots of cosmetic stuff.

August 17, 2000
30.VIN.11:  "As Hyper-Real As It Gets!"
30.VIN.12:  "SPLORT!"

August 11, 2000
30.VIN.09:  "Harry Potter and the Bitter, Elitist, Misanthropic, Cappuccino-Swilling Machine."
30.VIN.10:  "Bonked On Their Heads And Fed To The Robots."

June 13, 2000.
NEW NOVEL update.  The Stalker has now become The Tahiti Objective, and a whole bunch of stuff has been changed and there's more of it, too!

June 11, 2000.
30.VIN.07:  "MORE Notes For The Apocalypse."
30.VIN08:  "Waiting For... y'know...."
Cosmetic changes.

May 11, 2000.
30.27: "The Mouse And The Eagle" is finally #%$^@ up!

April 18, 2000.
30.26:  "A Code In His Node."

April 1, 2000:
30.25c:  THREE DEVICES #3.

April 3, 2000.
Cosmetic junk.  Notices about delays.  That sorta thing.
*30* delayed again....

March 19, 2000.
30.25b:  "THREE DEVICES #2:  The Telephone."
30.VIN.06:  "Notes For The Apocalypse."

March 10, 2000.
30.25a:  "THREE DEVICES #1: The Automobile."

February 15, 2000.

February 1, 2000.
30.23:  "In Which Brian Talks About Anime And The Internet...."
30.VIN.05:  "R 'n' R High School."

January 26, 2000.
Pointless music reviews.

January 16, 2000.
30.22:  "Natural Light.

January 1, 2000.
PROLOGUE to *30* Phase 2, Act 1:  "From The Other Side.

December 29, 1999.
30.21:  "*30* (The Mambo)

December 15, 1999.
30.20:  "4'33''."

December 1, 1999.
30.19:  "Trace My Name...."
30.VIN.04:  "Free Raiding."

November 15, 1999.
30.18:  "Pastel Blue."
30:        "Interlude."
Short Story:  "An Index Of Metals."

November 1, 1999.
30.17:  "He Shoots, He Scores!"  It's not really about sports.

October 15, 1999.
30.16:  "Loneliness Is Its Own Reward."  Fun for the whole family.  Really.
Second hidden art gallary.

October 1, 1999.
30.15:  "Bodies and Nails... or something...."
Sundry cosmetic modifications.

September 19, 1999.
After some slight technical difficulties:
30.VIN.03:  "Terrible Days."
30.14:  "Moon Crisis Makeup!!!"

September 1, 1999.

August 22, 1999.
New music.
Revised reading list.

August 15, 1999.

August 2, 1999.
30.11c: "Shafts Of Light, part 3"

July 29, 1999.
Revised and expanded Shattered Text For Space Metalizer and added an Explanation.
Why Liz The Forever will not be posted on this site.

July 23, 1999.
New Music.

July 17, 1999.
*30* Vignette No.2:  "Gungan Dub."

July 16, 1999.
Also check out the *30* INTRO page for a small description of the new temporary schedule.

June 20, 1999.
Music recommendations, including a long Philip Glass / Robert Wilson CIVIL warS review.
See what Brian's reading.  Read what Brian's reading.  Begin to think like Brian.

June 15, 1999.

June 7, 1999.
The start of something new:  *30* Vignettes.
Revised the musical recommendations list.

June 1, 1999.
30.09.5.  The last installment of Graceful Monsters.  Yahoo!

May 23, 1999.

May 18, 1999.

May 8, 1999.

May 1, 1999.

Apr 15, 1999.
More important listening.

Apr 5, 1999.
Welcome to the wonderful world of TED.

Apr 3, 1999.
Added small music recommendation page.
Got counter to work.
New graphic on Links.

Apr 1, 1999.
Removed the mysterious plague of little (and occasionally not-so-little) crosses that was visited upon select pages by an oddly-behaving Netscape Communicator 4.1 during an extremely difficult and horribly protracted attempt at updating "Heaven."
Nervous breakdown.  Stabbed leg with pen.

Mar 15, 1999.

Mar 10, 1999
Fixed some spelling mistakes and got rid of that stupid little 'ÿ' thing that was on the bottom of EVERY DAMN PAGE!!!

Mar 7, 1999.
Nuthin, yet.  Sheesh, we just went online....
